What Is the Soul?

February 25, 2020
Realistic 3d technology digital male face on a purple background. What is the soul concept.

What Is the Soul and What Does It Do? 

What is the soul?  Many people often ask this question.  The soul is that piece of you that is everlasting and existed before you entered the earth and will remain after you depart the planet. 


The soul enables our human life to encounter the world to contact, connect, and engage with other people.

The soul gives us our personality, individuality, and is one of the reasons, other than God, first and foremost, that a person has life.

A person is more than just their physical body.  Yes, the body is physical and dwells physically in space and time.

The soul is non-physical and lives in a realm that we can’t see, but exist at the same time.  It is the self that resides in oneself.

It is the “I” that we refer to and experience 24/7.  The body is lifeless without the soul.

If you didn’t have a soul, then you wouldn’t be reading this post.  The body can’t stay alive or function without the soul.  

Although so, the soul lives on for eternity when the body ceases to exist.  The soul is the vehicle through which people experience their physical environment.

A lot of people believe that they are a body with a soul, when it is the other way around, we are a soul that is residing in a frame.  

The soul is the channel for your present state of mind, your personality of who you think you are, and part of your soul is the uncertain mental and emotional imbalances that are created when you get caught up in unfavorable circumstances. 

Concept of the Soul

The human soul is that component of you that is everlasting.  It is the YOU that lives on after the death of the body.

The soul can live outside of the human form, but only with God.

The concept of the soul can refer to the will, emotion, and mind of a person.

The soul is the quality of a person that is portrayed through the mental and emotional aspect of humans.

 It is the undying element of people that models the likeness of The Almighty.

The soul is an extremely advanced, intangible, lively quintessence personality, a magnetic field of endless chances and capabilities that surrounds many of the characteristics that you assign to yourself, but in a far more progressed state of existence.

The soul is the framework that forms us.  Humans became a living soul when The Almighty God made us in His image and breathed in the nostrils of Adam.  

Genesis 2:7 Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

Genesis 1:26 Then God said, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us.”

The soul doesn’t have a specific location in the human body, but it is the entire body, including our spiritual components.

The soul is living inside your mind, brain, atoms, cells, and organs.  The immortality of the soul is not confined to our human body, given that it leaves the body upon death.  

Upon death, the soul unravels itself from the physical body framework and goes back to its source, God.

Illustration of a woman praying in front of the sun on a yellow background word cloud. Soul awareness concept.

Awareness of Your Soul

The soul produces emotions, memory, thoughts, and longings.   The soul, when it is enlightened and aligned to God, has a respect for all things in life.

Moreover,  the soul views the body as a container, and it is aware that it offers a channel for the soul to achieve its purpose in this life.

It is our tasks in this life to increase our understanding and awareness of our souls.  As stated, the body is the means that we utilize to achieve that assignment.

All humans have a soul awareness.  The more that we increase sensitivity to the soul in regards to everyday life, the more knowledge and understanding the soul reveals to us.

It is not always a simple assignment to learn new information about your soul.   When you become aware of your soul, you will face some eye-opening things in regards to your inner-being.

Even though we are engaged on a journey of deep awareness, we may encounter circumstances where we may seem to be over our heads with the situation.

Not all souls are in the same place in life.  You have some souls that are more aware of knowledge and understanding than others.

The soul in all likelihood takes suggestions from God if we listen, or at any rate, that is the way that God designed it. 

Nature of the Soul

The nature of the soul is to reveal things of God to humans and spread those revelations to other souls.

My soul has revealed some engaging things to me.  It lets its happiness exude when I read my bible, talk about Jesus, and spend time understanding the Word of God.

I observe my soul more and more, and I understand that it’s not always in a state of contentment.  It wants real genuine attention. I believe that my soul is not tenacious or unrealistic; it reacts swiftly.

As I care for my soul, I noticed that more energy becomes accessible to me.  I am more energetic.  I rest better.

My soul educates me about unseen laws, like aligning with positive thoughts and aligning with the word of God.

Furthermore, my soul requires a higher resolution with people than my personality requires.

With that being said, my soul wants me to know that things are in God’s flow and timing.

Moreover, my soul loves Jesus very much, and it loves hearing the Psalms and is satisfied by Jesus’ teachings.  God’s love is genuine to my being.

For this reason, my soul seeks to be at one with God and understand His teachings. I think that it yearns to know that God is the supplier of all things that concern my soul.

It is up to the individual to remake their personality so that the soul can convey a more divine nature.

If humans can achieve this, the soul is open to following its purpose freely for this space and time.

Toxins in the Soul

Your soul is what drives you, moves you, and encourages you to move forward in life.  

If you are transporting toxins within your soul, then you aren’t entirely free to achieve your purpose in life.  

As you proceed to know your soul, your life may shift, your concerns perhaps will differ, and this may happen slowly or occur immediately.  

It is incredible how my soul let’s go or is inclined to get over stuff when I turn my focus to my soul and understand its concerns and desires.

Strangely enough, part of the task of the soul is to free itself from destructive issues that hold it back in life.

Therefore, unless you find out the toxins that reside in your soul, you are continually looping around the mountain.

As a result, you are repeating practices and programming yourself to stay held back in life.

At times our soul can find itself in circumstances and instances which are not healthy or beneficial and can occur when we don’t even know it is happening at the moment.

A lot of people find that their souls are restrained due to various circumstances that they face every day.  

Although so, the soul has a natural inclination to progress forward despite any circumstances that it faces daily.  

The soul requires resolution for its vehicle to get away from the pull of material things on earth.

Tranquility and not impeding the soul with too many concerns can assist the soul in bringing in a new awareness of our lives.

Silhouette of a man standing in front of the sun with a purple background word cloud. Nature of the soul concept.

All Things Considered

You’ll notice that some souls have a cheerful nature, others are extremely absorbed, they might seem dry, very calm about life, but we should not pass judgment on them for the reason that they are trying to figure out their journey in life.

The soul forms unions with and pools resources with and intertwines with parts of other souls.

When you create a soul connection with other souls, you can establish a higher understanding of life, animals, and nature that the soul can help you discover.

I am astonished at times that my soul cares so much for others, nature, and the earth.

What is the soul and the parts of the soul is a debatable topic.  

As you read different posts, you will find different views and perspective of the function of the soul.

The human soul is everlasting and immortal. To put it differently, every person that you’ve encountered has a soul that lives in a body, and that soul will continue even after death.