Why Is Jesus Called the Light of the World?

December 16, 2021
A visually stunning scene of an empty manger with bright lights at night. Why is Jesus called the light of the world, concept.

Why is Jesus called the light of the world? Jesus Christ was born to be a savior for all people, but He also came to show us how we can have a direct and personal relationship with God through Him and by reading the Bible


Jesus showed us that we are not alone in this life journey and that there is always someone who will love you unconditionally no matter what your past has been like or where you have come from at the moment.  

Jesus, our Savior, and Lord have given us all we need to find our way home.  Jesus himself said, "I am the light of the world." (John 8:12)

At times, people look for a light inside themselves that can lead to enlightenment.  In general, they want to find hope and joy, but they can only do that through Jesus.  

He is the bright light that will fill your world with peace, love, and happiness that lasts into eternity.

The word "light" has various meanings in different contexts. It can mean illuminating or brightening up an area or referring to the quality of being visible, typically from a distance.  In particular, Jesus is the light because He brings light to those lost.

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16)

What does this mean to us?  For starters, it means Jesus is our Savior and Redeemer.

In this post, we'll go over a few interesting points on why Jesus is called the light of the world.

 Why Is Jesus Called “The Light of the World”

Jesus is called "The Light of the World" because He brings comfort and peace to people.

In like manner, He also helps them find their way when they are lost spiritually, meaning that anyone can feel His presence when they actively seek Him.

Jesus is the light of the world, and nothing can change that fact.  Moreover, He is God's Son, who came to earth to teach people about the Kingdom of Heaven.  

Jesus said some mighty things about himself like "I am the way, and the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6)

Jesus also made some promises to us like "I will never leave you or forsake you." (Hebrews 13:5) He promised that no one would ever pluck us out of His hands.  And He promised that if we invite Him into our lives, He will give us eternal life.   

Hands folded in prayer, candle light glowing and Christmas lights reflecting on the surface.

Jesus Wants to Be the Center of Your World!

Jesus wants you to know that He is your Savior and Friend, not just a religious figure.  Additionally, He loves everyone equally and has made Himself available for all people.

Even when things are tough, He is always ready to help you because His love for us never changes.  Therefore, give Jesus everything you have and know that He will take care of you.

His death and resurrection provide forgiveness for our sins.  And because Jesus is alive, we can have hope for eternal life.  But there are so many people today who don't believe in Jesus. In like manner, they live without hope, without meaning.

Jesus came to offer us a new and better way of living.  Jesus is the only way to achieve peace and eternal life.  Similarly, He wants to be your friend, give you hope, and fill your heart with His love. 

15 Reasons Why We Should Put Our Trust in Jesus


Jesus is the light for lost people


Jesus gives hope to the hopeless


Jesus shines in our darkness


 Jesus has overcome death


Jesus brings peace to people's hearts


 Jesus is always available to us


Jesus helps us live life with meaning and joy


Jesus showed us how to be kind to each other, love our enemies, and forgive


Jesus is the only one who can save us from our sins


 Jesus is the one who guides us to the truth


Jesus gives us peace and joy even when we are going through difficult times


Jesus stands as a light for us to follow, leading us to eternal life with Him


The world may be dark around you, but Jesus will always be there to guide you home


Jesus loves you and wants what's best for you- just as He does for everyone else in this world


He is the light for those wounded by life.

Jesus Came to Make Everything Right

 Jesus came to give us eternal life.  He came to make everything right in the world, and He did this by teaching people how they could be closer to God through repentance and faith.

He is a man of peace who taught love for one another; forgiveness, compassion, mercy, and humility were essential in His teachings.  

Among other things, the life that Christ lived is an example for anyone looking for guidance on how to live their life more peacefully.

Jesus died and paid the price for all our past, present, and future sins.

Jesus Came to Show Us How to Live

Jesus came to show us what it means to live and how much God Loves Us.  Necessary to realize, God's love is unconditional and abundant.  

When we live according to his words, we can experience the fullness of God's love in our lives.  Similarly, He also came with a message of hope for those living without Christ so that they, too, could know the joys that only He offers.

Jesus is our hope and salvation; we can live eternally with Him with His light.  Jesus came not to condemn but to save us.  He says, "I am the way, the truth and the life" and "No one comes to the Father except through me."   (John 14:6)

Jesus wanted to show us how to stop struggling because it's exhausting and never-ending and instead learn to trust Him more because He has seen our best and worst moments.  

Jesus Christ Teaches Us to Love Others

His light shines in our lives, empowering us on our journey toward salvation.  

Jesus is not someone who should remain unknown to us; He's the person who will change our lives!

Jesus loved us so much that He died on the cross to give us a way to have a relationship with God.   As a result, Jesus is the only way to return to Heaven.  

He proclaims the truth with love and invites all people to come into His Kingdom.  Jesus is God's ultimate expression of mercy.  Likewise, He wants us to love others as He loves us.

"If you love me, you will keep my commandments." (John 14:15)

In the Gospel of John, Jesus teaches us to love one another by giving and caring for people.

Important to realize, loving others is a commandment of Jesus Christ. (John 13:34)

Jesus also tells stories about others loving Him in return, such as the woman who washed his feet with her tears and dried them with her hair.  
(Luke 7:36-50)

The brightly lit silhouette of Christ over the sea in the sky, with light shining from heaven.

Jesus Is Our Shepherd Who Watches Over Us Daily

When Jesus, the Light of the World, was born, He promised salvation to an otherwise hopeless world.  His light shines bright in the darkness, and His Spirit empowers us to conquer this world.

On the contrary, there are many times when we feel alone and have nowhere to turn to when we are in trouble.  But Jesus says He will always be there for us and that He is our Shepherd who will care for us.  When we need shelter and protection, Jesus is our shelter.

When we are going through a painful and challenging time, Jesus is the one who helps us through the most difficult times. Jesus is our bodyguard. Jesus is our protector because He has the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Jesus is our Shepherd, and He watches over every one of us every day.  Jesus has a way of making the most difficult situations seem manageable.

Thus, we can trust in Him no matter what situation we're facing or what challenges we might have ahead for ourselves as individuals or as a church family.

Jesus has always been the perfect example for humanity to follow to lead a life that pleases Him.  His teachings are still relevant today.   The Bible says, "The Lord your God walks about among you." (Deuteronomy 23:14)

Jesus' love for His flock was so great that He willingly sacrificed his life to save them from sin and death. The Bible says, "God showed how much he loved us by sending Christ as a sacrifice to take away the sins of many.”  (Romans 5:8)

 Jesus Christ Has Shown Us How to Live a Life of Service

The best way to serve is by putting others first, and this is what Christ was and continues to be teaching us.

Our service is not limited to a few hours on a Sunday morning but the rest of our lives.  

Jesus Christ has shown us how to live a life of service through his ministry.  Therefore, you can live your life serving others right now. 

Jesus lived out the commandment "love thy neighbor as thyself" by healing and caring for people, teaching them about God's love, forgiving sins, and loving  unconditionally.  (Mark 12:31)

He also showed us that we are not our own but belong to Him to show others what true freedom is like by following His example of selfless service.

Moreover, Jesus also showed us that we should not be afraid to serve others because it is the path towards spiritual growth.

We are all called upon for some form of service in this world.  Whether through volunteering or donating money to charitable causes, we can help make a difference.

Holy Cross in a sky with some clouds. Christian cross, Crucifixion Of Jesus.

Jesus Is the Savior of All People

Jesus is the Savior of all people, even if you feel like He doesn't care about you. He cares about you, so do what He says to do, and He will take care of you.

In other words, listen to what He says and obey it, and He will give you peace and blessings from the inside.  As a result, He will teach you the right path in life and show you the light.

He will provide you with hope for a brighter future.  Jesus will give you a perfect plan for your life.  

When people have a relationship with Jesus, they're able to live life to the fullest and experience his joy and peace.  

Ultimately, Jesus is calling all people to come to Him so they can have a personal relationship with Him and receive eternal life.

In The Final Analysis

Jesus is the light.  As light, He will always help us to live better.  He shows us the way through the Holy Bible.  

Second, He is the light of the world because He is our Savior.  He came to rescue you from death and sin.  

Third, He is the light of the gospel because He told us that we should preach the good news, as John the Baptist did in the New Testament. 

He has prepared us for the glory of God by revealing Himself to us. We want to follow His lead.

We want to honor Him and praise Him.  And finally, He is the light of the world because He is the one who loves us and has sacrificed for us.

When we follow Him, we will experience the true meaning of peace and joy as He gives them to us. 

Jesus guides many Christians. He is our ultimate example of God's Kingdom, He died for our sins, and His teachings are relevant and inspiring today.