A Deeper Relationship With Jesus Will Enhance Your Life

October 21, 2020
The word “JESUS” on a word collage. A deeper relationship with Jesus, concept.

Do you want a deeper relationship with Jesus? Jesus wants you to have a deep, fulfilling, and impactful relationship with Him. 


If you think about it, God created us to fellowship with him.  Instead, at times, we find ourselves mentally distant from him.  

In like manner, people attend church as an act of devotion, but some don’t engage actively in worship and praise.

Moreover, you’ll listen to the sermon, but don’t apply what you learned to your daily life.

Nevertheless, if you long for an intimate closeness with Jesus, then you must understand that He is accessible to you at this moment.  

All you have to do is accept Jesus into your heart and make an effort to know Him. 

He wants to support, comfort, and assist you.  You can decrease the space between you and God by taking the first steps to pursue a rich relationship with Him sincerely.

Develop a Deeper Relationship With Jesus 

There are so many things that you can do to bring forth a strong relationship with Jesus.   

Here are a few suggestions that you can employ to develop your relationship with Jesus.

Build a Personal Relationship


Talk to Him in the shower


Take a five-minute break at work and talk to Him


Ask God to talk to you while preparing dinner


You can thank him for the great weather as you take your daily walk


Talk to Him while you are in traffic

You can sing His praises.  Psalms 100:1 says to "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands."  

The Lord inhabits the praise of His people. You can spend some time during the day in worship and praise.  

While on the road, you can tune your radio or put on Christian music and sing along and glorify and lift your voice to God.  

In those few moments, give all of your attention to The Father. 

Develop a Relationship With God Through Prayer

Hand drawn motivational quote with the phrase “Prayer is a loving conversation with God.” A deeper relationship with Jesus, concept.

You can develop a deeper relationship with Jesus through prayer.  You can set a time or pray spontaneously.  

Yes, setting aside time to pray has its place in the daily life of a Christian, yet it can unconsciously become a duty if you feel pressured to pray at a particular time.

Moreover, following a strict prayer time can also cause many to forget the genuineness of their cherished moments with God.

Although praying is easy, and it doesn’t need to be binding and exhausting.  Why don’t you challenge yourself to carry on loving chats with God throughout the day?

You can pray in bed in the morning/night, commuting to work, the store, or exercising. 

As you converse with people, you begin to develop a genuine relationship with that person.

The same is true with God, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus.

Do You Have a Close Friend?

If you have a close friend, then you  know that you can converse with them as often as you like, and in doing so, you get to know them better over time.   

As a result, you’ll develop a more significant and deeper relationship with the person.

In other words, as your relationship grows with God, you will learn more about him and what he does for you throughout the day.  

If you take the time to adapt your will to God’s will and do what He wants you to do, He will use you in ways to help others come to know Him. 

With this in mind, keep your eyes open to opportunities that He creates for you to talk about Him with other people.

For example, Matthew 7:7 says,  "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."

If you look for God, then you will see that He is never away from you, but in fact, working all around you.

If you get engaged in His work, it will undeniably draw you nearer to The Father.  Also, your faith walk will increase exponentially.  

Moreover, you can develop your ability to listen to the Holy Spirit.

Read the Bible

Mobile device on the Holy Bible next to a black coffee cup sitting on a wooden background, vintage color.

If you want to deepen any bond, you have to get to know the other party.  If you want to know God, you have to read His Word.  

John 1:1 points out, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

You will begin to learn God’s likes, dislikes, principles, promises, desires, and His ways.

As you take the time to focus on the Word, ask God to reveal Himself to you through the Bible

You can apply His Word to your daily life and share it with others to help draw them into the Christian family.  

You want to know and connect with the Word on a spiritual level.  

As you begin to know Jesus through His Word, you will feel an awareness of serenity and satisfaction that only comes from developing a deeper relationship with Jesus.

Draw Near and Fellowship with God 

Bible picture quote from James 4:8, “Draw Near To God” between a pair of wings on a blue background.

God desires to fellowship with us.  James 4:8 points out, "Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you."   

As a result, you will begin to experience a stimulating and satisfying connection with The Almighty Creator.   

He will respond to you throughout the day if you take the time to fellowship and listen to Him.  

With this in mind, this practice can be easy if you are genuine about drawing close to God.

John 15:7-8 says, "If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.  Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples."

God wants us to abide in Him so that we develop our personal relationship with Him.

We have to live in Him to develop a deep love bond with Him.   God has an incredible love for humans.  

He wants us to develop an approachable relationship with Him. 

God wants to be first and foremost in our lives. The Bible states in Deuteronomy 4:24
"For the Lord thy God is a consuming fire, even a jealous

God wants us to converse with Him just like we would to our best friend but on a more profound and personal level.  

He wants powerful, open discussions with Him on anything in life.  With that said, He wants you to be available to hear what He has to communicate back to you.

Become Friends with Jesus 

As some may know, having a personal relationship with the creator of the entire universe, who communes and talks with you, is the most incredible encounter that you can have in life.  

You have nothing to be afraid of with God.  He can handle everything  that you have to say to Him.  

By the same token, you have to develop a deeper relationship with Jesus continually.  

Relationships aren't built overnight; they are a work in progress. 

Thus, your relationship with God will always contain room for growth.

No human can reach the deepening longings of our soul and spirit.  Only God can fulfill that duty for you.  

God can love you more intimately than any person can love you.  God is perfect in all of His ways, so you can truly trust what He says and what He offers to you.

Jesus will not harm you because there is only light in Him.  He is dependable. 

In Essence 

If it is your goal to establish a deeper relationship with Jesus, then employ some of the suggestions discussed in this post.

Jesus wants to develop a personal relationship with all of His children.  By and large, communicating with God on a steady and continual basis will develop a deep and intimate relationship with The Almighty Creator. 

If you are willing to go deep with Jesus, then your life will be more enriched, satisfying, enlightened, and better off than it could ever be with the presence of the Trinity. 

You will change the direction of your entire life to a positive, enlightened, powerful existence.

The journey to enlightenment is there for all humans if they open their hearts and accept the free gifts of God that Jesus endured when He died on the cross so that we can have this intimate relationship with God the Father.