What Exactly Is Faith? (Trust and Belief)

July 1, 2021
A black background with a faith word collage of positive Christian, uplifting words. What exactly is faith, concept.

What exactly is faith is a common question asked by many people.   


Faith tells God that you can’t live without Him, and you need his power and wisdom for all aspects of your life. 

God says that the "Just Shall Live by Faith" (Habakkuk 2:4).  God wants to know that you trust Him, and your faith is proof of your dependence on God.

You will have to develop an unwavering commitment to your desire or goal.

How much do you want the outcome that you desire?  Well, you will have to Stand  until it comes to pass (Ephesians 6:13).

Are you willing to wait for the outcome?  Do you trust the Lord to fulfill His promises that are stated in the Word?  

God wants your faithfulness and commitment to trust and wait patiently for Him to act on your behalf.  

Equally important, there are some things that you will have to do on your end to receive the results that you desire.  "Faith without works is dead" (James 2:17). 

This post will discuss what faith is and what you need to do to accomplish your desires and goals.


What Exactly Is Faith?


Faith is heeding to God’s word. 


Faith is placing the word of God above every situation in life.


Faith is trusting the Word of God and sticking to the absolute truth until you overcome the situation.


Where there is the Word of God, there will be great faith.


The Word of our God is the cornerstone to which your faith will work.


Faith is a disposition that is effective and stimulated by confessions and verification of God’s Word.


Faith is what you accept when you don’t have any evidence of what you believe in your heart.


Faith says that you are confident about what you look forward to and fully persuaded of what you do not see.


Faith is unwavering. It can’t be influenced by circumstances that limit us or by the physical realm.


Faith is the force of our beliefs and our anticipations. As with the wind, you can’t see faith, but you can feel it, and you will eventually see the result in your life.


Faith is a way of life. It is an undertaking to trust God’s Word as your final authority. Moreover, it is a conduit between God’s blessings and your reality.  Faith's job is to move the kindness and bountifulness of the Heavenly realm into your natural realm.


Active faith is crucial for every facet of a person’s walk with God.  Faith is the essence of a Christian’s walk with God. Therefore, it takes faith to do the following: forgive, effective prayers, intervene for other people. Overcome not enough, overcome bills, and overcome ailments.


Your measure of Faith says. “I believe God’s Word and don’t accept the unfavorable circumstances that I see because they are subject to change at any moment.


Faith is believing God’s Word because He said it; therefore, you believe it.


Faith is full conviction in The Word of God.  Faith receives God’s assurances and cautions as certainties and proceeds accordingly.


Faith is an assurance that isn’t based on physical evidence.


Faith is aware that what you desire based on God’s Word is yours through trust and belief.


Faith delivers God’s promises and guarantees to you.


Faith is the belief and the assurance that what you can’t see already exists in God’s Heavenly realm and will be delivered to your physical realm.


Faith is having confidence in something that you can’t see at the moment and understanding, comprehending that it is already yours. All you are doing is waiting for the appearance of your belief.


You have confidence for something with no proof but the Word of God.

Develop Your Faith

We have all gone through times when we ask what exactly is faith?  You may think that faith will pop up at that moment when you need something asap.  

Important to realize, faith grows a little bit at a time.  That is to say,  just as your muscles grow by lifting weights and exercising, faith and belief grow in a like manner.  

You have to practice and meditate on God's promises and act accordingly to grow your faith.

To point out, God has laid out promises in His Word.  Therefore, it is your job to search through the Bible and find scriptures for your particular issue.  

You will then have to meditate on those words and let the Holy Spirit prompt you for further directions. 

You are made from the image of God, and He has given you the ability to use your words for positivity just like He used words to create all that we can see.

You are a child of God, so speak like you believe what is in the Word.

Requirements of Faith

Faith requires unwavering, consistent action to help support your desire or belief.  

That is to say, your words and comparable actions have to agree with your confidence in what you believe and desire.  

In other words, you can’t pray for that desire and say something or think negative, unloving thoughts throughout the day and expect faith to continue to take hold and bring you your desire.

You negate what you want with negative words and unloving thoughts.  

Hence, positive, consistent words and thoughts are the keys to any actions you take to improve your life.

As you take your stand of faith, which is based on God’s Words and promises, patience will help you stay constant in your beliefs until you see the results of your desire or belief.  

This passage from the Bible says everything about patience, James 1:4, "But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing." 

Ingredients of Faith

Inspirational text with the words “Faith, Trust, Love, Hope, and Believe” written on pebbles on a wooded backdrop.

At the core of faith are the following spiritual qualities: love, gentleness, meekness, forgiveness, humility, and understanding.  

Each one listed is a spiritual quality that has the power to grow your level of trust to its next level.  

You have to build your spiritual qualities within your soul to continue to grow from one level to the next.

Faith believes that you have received what you ask God for in your situation.  

When you have an unshakeable belief in receiving your "object," you have to speak what you want and not input words of doubt and unbelief.  

You have to talk as if you already have the outcome.  You can’t be moved by what you see, hear, or feel.  But only moved by what you believe, and that is the Word of God.

Your belief has to overcome any doubt or fear that may pop into your mind or heart.

You have to stay focused on receiving and believing and staying the course of your faith.

Faith works by love and forgiveness (Galatians 5:6).  Annoyance, offense, anger, bitterness, and other negative qualities will corrode your possible outcome.  

On the contrary, you will have to stay planted and grounded in love.

Grow Your Mustard Seed of Faith

Cupped hands holding mustard seeds and an engraved faith stone held over black soil. Mustard seed faith, concept.

To grow your faith, you have to hear it and speak it.  You have to say positive words. Speak to your desires and claim that what you want as if it is yours.  

Saturate yourself with positive sermons, music, videos, images, and people of like-minded thought processes.  

As a result, you will begin building your faith and feeling as though you have what you want even though you have no evidence or see any materialization of that “object."

Moreover, your level of faith will grow once you read and hear about all the miracles that Jesus did for other people. Thus, you will begin to believe what you are reading.

The Holy Spirit will also do a work in you.

 Faith Is Your Weapon

Faith is your weapon to fight against all spiritual warfare, challenges, and curveballs that this life will bring to you.  

Faith can help you conquer any issues, beat any adverse problems, and help you obtain the abundance and blessings that God has laid out on this earth for you through His Word.

Better yet, faith will bring you heaven on earth in your finances, relationships, health, and your overall life.  

In any case, God has already told us that we are more than conquerors (Romans 8:37), and we have the victory through Him who loved us first.

You are unbeatable if you accept these truths, believe what He says, and agree with Him.  

You have the power of faith through your words, belief, and actions.

Faith knows that the answer for all of life’s problems is inside of those who will accept, believe, and declare God’s Truths that are in the Word.  

God dwells on the inside of you. If you’ve ever encountered an empty bank account, what words left your mouth?  Your faith would talk to that situation and say, “God meets all my needs according to His riches and glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19).

What faith knows is that God isn’t restricted to the world’s resources, and that includes your paycheck.  

The Father can shower all types of blessings from heaven above in all kinds of unpredicted ways.  

If you turn to God’s Word, you will find that He delivered food from heaven
(Exodus 16:4-5).  He turned a few fish and bread into many fish and loaves of bread (Matthew 14:13-21).

 Use Faith-Filled Words

Hand drawn orange typography with the lettering “Positive Vibes Only.” Faith-Filled vibes, concept.

If you grow your faith, it doesn’t matter what the adversary tries to stir up because the faith-filled words that come out of your mouth will void the adversaries' attempts to disrupt your peace.  

The words that you speak become the things that you see in your life.  

Faith works because God has filled His Word with Power that you have access to through belief and trust, which gives you the power to produce what you say out of your mouth.  

Therefore, saying what you want through faith, the power in His Word, will provide the "object" you desire.

Now the other part of the equation is to keep doubt, unbelief out of your thoughts and mouth.  

You don’t want to contaminate your faith with contradictory words and ideas. Fear and doubt will negate your results.

Read the Bible

A bible with a tree and garden growing out of the pages. Read the bible and gain knowledge, concept.

A deep feeding on the Word of God is the key to strong faith.  

What exactly is faith is something that you can discover by hearing and speaking the Words of God EVERY DAY.  The more of the Word you deposit into your spirit and mind, the stronger your confidence will grow.  

All of us are dealt a measure of faith when we are saved (Romans 12:3).  It is up to you to increase your faith, and you do that through your words and actions.

Now, if you keep focusing on your problems, then you will produce worse and worse results.

What Bible verses are you standing on when your body hurts, when your bank account is low, or when you have a mountain of bills?

In (2 Corinthians 10:5), Paul explains that you should cast down imaginations that contradict God's Word

 Any thoughts of sickness, distractions,  defeat, lack, or fear that comes into your mind, you have to fight the good fight of faith and cast down the thoughts and fight back with the same weapons that Jesus used, and that is the Words of God (Ephesians 6:17).

Stay Focused

Birds flying away from broken chains over a purple sunset and water background. Stay focused, concept.

Keep your thoughts turned toward God throughout the day by telling Him "Thank You" and keeping Him involved in all that you do and say, and enable your faith to link to His power.

As with the Fig Tree example in (Mark 11:23), Jesus let his disciples know that they can achieve the same results by the words of faith they speak.  

You have to believe and not doubt.  Say positive comments in the situation that you are looking for results and not negative thoughts and words.

Faith and fear can’t coexist if you expect to change your situation.  

You can’t say and think positively and say and speak negatively for that situation.  It’s going to be one or the other.  

You are either staying in faith where you have no evidence for the problem or being planted in fear and pushing away what you are actively waiting to materialize.

You have to be conscious of what you allow in your mind.  Thoughts become things. You have to guard your mind with God’s Words.  

You can’t let others or yourself, for that matter, clog your soul with negativity or doubtful words.  

Ride the wave of positive-fed words into your soul.

Faith Can Overcome Any Situation

Hand tearing through “fear” paper drawing. Faith over fear, concept.

Faith can conquer any situation that you are facing today.  No problem or mountain or sickness too grim that faith can’t overcome.  God has already released the power to fix your situation on your behalf.  

It is up to you to take hold of God’s Word and apply them correctly to develop practical faith.

Your faith is already working on automatic.  For instance, if you sit down on a couch and the couch doesn’t break apart, you had enough confidence in the sofa that the sofa would support your weight.  

Now imagine that you could use this same faith to materialize your desires.  You believe, receive, trust and go through the day about your business.

Have You Ever Ordered a Pizza for Delivery?

If so, you know the process of placing your order and waiting for the delivery person to drop off your pizza.

First, they give you a 30 to 40-minute eta for the pizza delivery.

Next, you get the money for the bill, set the table for your food, and wait for your order.  You don’t doubt that your food is on its way.

In the meantime, do you start to worry after 10 minutes of waiting?  Hopefully, not! How about 20 minutes later?

Still, hopefully, no! Even after 40 minutes, you’re probably still patient.  You might start getting a little restless, but you figure they are busy that evening, but you know that they will deliver your food.  You have no reason to doubt the delivery.

Now place that same scenario into your real-life faith situation.  You place your order,  go about your business without doubting your desires, and you stay rooted in your soul and wait for faith to deliver your outcome. 

  Believe Before You Receive

The word “Believe” written in the sand at a beach with waves in the ocean as the sun shines on a beautiful day.

Your physical eyes can only see material things around you.  But, your mind’s eye can see whatever it wants to see, which is the substance of things hoped for, and it’s the evidence of what you can’t see at the moment (Hebrews 11:1).

There are plenty of laws that govern the things we see, like agriculture, physics, and electricity.  

God created laws that manage the universe, and the day that you become mindful of these laws, you will be able to tap into the force of faith, and they will work for you just as the creator made them work when He created all of us.  

God Is Awesome

God is awesome, and we were made to know Him and enjoy all that He has created.  

He created beautiful things in this world for us to enjoy.  

God gave us a mind to think, emotions to feel, and a will to build abundant lives on this planet.  

The mind can formulate, believe and achieve what it wants once you are aware of the Laws of Faith.  

God wants His children to increase continually.  We have to open up our hearts to God and what He wants to do in our lives.  

You have to activate your mental capacity to have a vision for an increase in your life.  

You have to Expect God to do what He says He WILL do for you.

If you have faith and a vision, you will eventually see favor, opportunities, and an increase in your life.  

Your faith is more precious than gold (1 Peter 1:7).

All Things Considered

Let's go over a few points from this post.  

What exactly is faith?  Once again, according to Hebrews 11:1, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

If you want to get God’s attention, your faith has to be based on His Word, which is the language that He recognizes.  

Your mind will attract and perform your truth in what you believe, so whether your beliefs about yourself are truth or muddle with untruths, it will perform those convictions in any event.  

You have to be careful with your thoughts and what you believe or what you allow in your mind.

Therefore, you are the one who will cause yourself to stumble through thoughts of unbelief and negative opinions about the “goals” that you want to achieve in your life.  

If you want a better life, then don’t WAVER  on what the Word says about your situation.  You have to ask according to God’s Will (1 John 5:14-15).

God has given us the ability to turn thoughts, desires, or needs into reality.  

Lastly, confidence, belief, and trust in God will grow your faith to address any barriers or difficulties in life.